Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Love Letter

Love ^_^,

Hello how are you now? What about school? Surely you're now a high-achieving students. Oh ya, what about the current state of your parents? I'm sure they are now in a state of fine.
Not feel we are 3 years apart. I really want to meet you. Until finally I dared to write this letter. You know how much I missed to you? I just hope you also felt the same as what I feel.
Do you remember the past we used to? Once we often played together, hall to enjoy life and learn to love each other. After all this time so long, do you still have the feeling it? I'm very hope if we could meet someday.
Actually, I've harbored this feeling since the first time we met. I've been saving thousands of questions about it. I'm afraid if you can not accept my love. Will it be love love is not reciprocated?
Hopefully it's not scary happened.
So little recognition from me, hope you can accept it and be a mirror of your attitude so far.

Your secret lovers

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